The cost of a car accident can quickly add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars due to medical expenses, lost income, and other damages. Thus, an accident could negatively affect your life with the impending financial stress and obligations. However, there is a way to relieve yourself of this burden. You could pursue compensation for your losses from the negligent driver who caused the crash.

One of our compassionate auto crash attorneys could review the circumstances of the wreck and your damages to ensure the offer from the at-fault driver’s insurer is adequate. We could also handle negotiations in the Houston car accident settlements and efficiently resolve your claim.

Recoverable Damages in a Car Accident Settlement

While no one expects to be involved in a car accident, it is an inherent risk on the road. In a matter of seconds, a car accident can completely alter someone’s life, and victims of serious collisions suffer extensive damage. Knowing what types of compensation are potentially available can be helpful with insurance negotiations. Recoverable compensation in a car accident claim should include:

Medical Expenses

Injuries from a serious car accident can cause the victim to incur significant medical expenses. The cost of emergency care, medication, surgery, rehab, and physical therapy can easily stretch into the thousands. A settlement should always reflect the victim’s past and future medical needs.

Lost Income

Many victims are unable to work for an extended period of time after an accident. Their compensation should account for lost wages based on unexpected changes in income.

Pain and Suffering

Car accident victims can suffer painful injuries, including broken bones, head injuries, neck or back injuries, spinal cord trauma, and more. A settlement should consider the unique factors of the victim’s injury, including the pain and suffering experienced.

Property Damage

Car accidents also result in significant vehicle damage and property loss.

Wrongful Death Damages

Those who tragically lost a loved one in a car accident could receive compensation for their funeral and burial arrangements and medical expenses.

A Houston attorney could review a car collision settlement offer from the at-fault driver’s insurance representative and negotiate on behalf of clients during this process to ensure the claim covers their needs.

Factors to Consider During Settlement Negotiations in a Car Wreck Claim

One of the advantages of hiring a Houston attorney to negotiate a settlement is that they are familiar with the relevant factors and can maximize a client’s potential compensation for the car crash. A fair car accident settlement should account for the severity of the victim’s injury, the cost of past and future medical treatment, lost income, and insurance policy limitations. Damage to the victim’s vehicle should also be considered.

Opting to settle with the at-fault driver’s insurance company has its benefits. This can be more efficient and allow victims to obtain compensation sooner. However, insurance adjusters are notorious for offering victims less than they deserve, so it is always best to have a lawyer negotiate with insurance representatives. An adequate auto accident settlement will consider all the relevant factors to ensure the victim is fully compensated for their losses related to the crash. The settlement process can save clients time and money and reduce the stress of litigation if handled correctly.

Consult a Car Crash Attorney About a Settlement in Houston Today

Once you accept a settlement offer from the other driver’s insurance company, you are left with it. Even if it turns out down the road that you incurred other damages, the insurance company will not be responsible. For these reasons, it is crucial to have a lawyer review a settlement offer before you accept it.

After a serious collision, you could suffer traumatic injuries that require long-term medical treatment and limit your ability to work. A Houston car accident settlement should account for the impact of your injuries in addition to the other damages you might suffer. Call our office today to schedule a consultation to discuss your claim.