After any truck accident, it is important to follow certain steps in order to recover from your injuries, financial costs, and emotional trauma. We understand that following a certain procedure may be hard to do in the aftermath of an accident, but it is important to avoid certain mistakes in these situations. Sometimes, mistakes can even mean getting less compensation than you deserve or none at all.

Recognizing the most common mistakes helps you avoid them. Our lawyers could help you understand which mistakes to avoid in Houston truck accident cases. A skilled truck collision attorney could also teach you to avoid them to maximize your chances of recovery and increase your damage awards.

Avoiding Medical Care

Due to concerns over the costs of medical care, many victims decline medical care on the scene, refuse to be transported by ambulance, or fail to get needed follow-up care. These omissions are dangerous for their health and chances of recovery.

Establishing that a truck accident led to their injuries requires that a victim get immediate medical care. The longer the period between the accident and seeking medical care, the more difficult it is to establish that the accident led to the injuries.

Failing to get timely medical care can also lead to an injury worsening over time. For example, internal injuries may not be apparent at the scene but can lead to severe problems over time. Likewise, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can get worse with swelling, as can spinal injuries. Getting immediate medical care can help doctors detect these issues before they get worse and may improve a victim’s long-term prognosis. Therefore, it is important to avoid the mistake of refusing medical care in Houston after a truck collision.

Accepting the First Settlement Offer

Another mistake to avoid after an accident is accepting the first settlement offer from the insurance company. Houston truckers often have high-limit insurance policies, which can result in significant settlements in cases. Accidents can also lead to injuries that accrue more expenses over time. While the initial offers may seem generous, they are often insufficient to cover medical bills, lost wages, reduced earning capacity, and much less intangible damages.

Before accepting an insurance company’s settlement offer, a victim should schedule a consultation with an attorney who is familiar with truck accident claims. The attorney could go over projected long-term costs associated with the injury, including medical bills, loss of services, lost wages, and more.

Waiting Too Long to File

Waiting too long to file a claim is another post-accident mistake to avoid. Recovery from a Houston truck crash case can be a lengthy process, especially when injuries are severe. People may delay filing a claim until they are well into the healing process.

While that might be the best decision from an emotional standpoint, it is not from a legal standpoint. This state has a two-year statute of limitations. Victims cannot bring a claim more than two years after the date of an accident. Of all the mistakes a victim can make, this one is the most detrimental.

Talk to a Houston Attorney About Mistakes to Avoid After Truck Wrecks

Dealing with a truck accident can be confusing and complex. It is easy to make mistakes that can have a detrimental impact on any claims you may have. Working with an attorney can help you avoid those mistakes, maximizing your chances for compensation and maximizing any damage awards. Schedule a consultation with an attorney to learn more about mistakes to avoid in Houston truck accident cases.